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Mini MBA: 3. Global Competitive Strategy (L03-3)


This module dives deep into strategic planning, fostering skills to apply strategic frameworks for growth and effective execution in the competitive business landscape. Join us on this transformative journey to:

  • Master Strategic Planning Best Practices: Acquire knowledge of strategic planning methods, competencies, and understanding of the surrounding environment and stakeholders.

  • Apply Strategic Frameworks for Growth: Learn to apply strategic thinking to enhance business growth and development strategies.

  • Execute Strategies for Business Development: Develop skills for successful strategy execution vital for organizational growth and success.

This is part of a six month Mini-MBA program which you can join anytime, in any order, and includes a mix of learning activities.

Learning Objectives:

Strategic Planning Best Practices (Weeks 1 & 2)

  • Grasp strategic planning methods and approaches, understanding their relevance and application in different business scenarios.

  • Develop competencies required for strategic planning, including analytical skills to assess the business environment and stakeholders' impact.

  • Analyze and interpret the surrounding environment and stakeholder influence, aligning them effectively with strategic planning initiatives.

Strategic Management (Weeks 3 & 4)

  • Understand the interconnectedness between strategy and business development, identifying avenues for business growth and expansion.

  • Develop skills in strategy execution, including resource allocation, alignment of objectives, and adapting strategies in dynamic environments.

  • Engage with guest lectures, exploring relevant cases and best practices in strategic management, enriching understanding and application of strategic concepts.

Join the Mini MBA!

Embark on a transformative journey with the J-Global Mini MBA program, where the fusion of Japanese and global management insights empowers you to excel in hybrid organizations, through a comprehensive, bilingual curriculum designed for immediate practical application and success in global roles.

The Mini MBA also includes two elective learning activities for you to practice your skills with each module: role playing games and mini-internships. You can sign up for these on any date convenient for you and it will evaluated as part of your Mini MBA contribution. See dates and times below.

Our role playing games offer business professionals a fun and practical way to apply skills learned in the Mini MBA, focusing on global communication, teamwork, and negotiation. These interactive sessions include team preparation, negotiation with other teams, and presenting results, followed by points and reflection. Participants join breakout groups for targeted feedback, practicing intercultural communication and problem-solving with Japanese and non-Japanese business people. This elective option contributes to Mini MBA certification, helping build strategy, innovation, and leadership skills in a dynamic, bilingual environment. Games can be taken alongside or before formal programs for experiential learning.

Our Mini MBA monthly mini-internships offer business professionals the chance to practice global communication, teamwork, strategy, and negotiation in real-world business situations. Participants collaborate with a diverse team of 11 nationalities across three continents, contributing to discussions, planning, and project execution. Interns attend virtual meetings, take on tasks with global coworkers, and receive feedback on their performance. This elective program allows participants to enhance their leadership and teamwork skills in a supportive, multicultural environment, contributing points towards Mini MBA certification. It’s an ideal opportunity to apply learning in practical settings while building global business experience.


  • Immediate Applicability: Apply insights directly to your hybrid organization, leveraging Japanese and global management styles learnt during the program.

  • Bilingual Support: Whether proficient in Japanese or English, the program accommodates both languages, facilitating learning and enhancing communication skills.

  • Preparation for Global Ventures: Preparing for an overseas full MBA, this bilingual mini-MBA instils the right mindset, skills, and practical frameworks for success while providing tangible ideas for application in a global Japanese organization post-MBA.

Module 3 Dates: (All Zoom webinars, Japan time)

Language Requirements:

  • This program is delivered bilingually in both Japanese and English to accommodate a diverse range of participants.

How to join

  • You can join this and over 30 other bilingual intercultural programs to develop your global leadership skills for from as little as 7000 yen per month. Click the buttons below to start with a free coaching session and a one-month free trial.


What is a Mini-MBA?

A Mini MBA is a smart, low-risk investment delivering surer, more immediate results than a full MBA.

  • Mini MBAs are accelerated, part-time programs — a sprint, not a marathon.

  • Can be completed in a few weeks or months.

  • Costs as little as ¥51,000 compared to up to ¥30 million for a full MBA

  • Hyper-targeted curriculum helps students acquire needed skills at the moment.

  • Provides an expanded network equal to or better than traditional MBA programs.

  • You don’t need to leave your job to get a mini MBA.

What is the J-Global Mini-MBA?

Mini/Micro-MBAs are becoming more popular around the world, but tend to only explain global best practices. Our J-Global intercultural mini MBA explains in a practical way how to adapt and apply those lessons for use in a Japan-based organization. Our program not only teaches the practical skills and mindset necessary for a global workplace, but it has been developed in conjunction with experts from Japan’s top universities, so it also includes academic content and advanced study skills that one would ordinarily gain from a full MBA. This program is fully bilingual, and includes an appreciation of Japan’s unique strengths in team-based organizations and how to bridge gaps with global counterparts which focus on individuals.

The J-Global Mini-MBA might be for you if...

  • You want to build the strategic mindset and tools to win promotion and bigger global roles.

  • You want to learn the principles of global strategy, marketing, sales, and organizational design, and how to apply them in Japan.

  • You need to develop key leadership and communication skills to bridge typical cultural gaps.

  • You need to create a new resilient mindset for self and colleagues for dealing with constant, stressful unpredictable change.

  • You want to transform your role and your organization’s culture, strategy and processes for global success.

  • You are motivated to do an MBA but you are concerned about the costs, time, and lack of work-life balance.


J-Global Mini MBA - All program group dates:

(All Zoom webinars, Japan time)

Choose the group (start date / time of day) that suits your schedule, and access other webinar dates freely if your availability changes:

Flexible learning order is possible.

1) You don't have to study from Module 1 to 6 in order. For example, if you start the program in module 2, and catch up with module 1 later.

2) New groups start every few months in the afternoons and evenings, so if you miss any class, you can make it up in a different group (different time of day, or different time of year).

Learning Workshops are 60-minute interactive lectures and discussions for understanding the topic. Practice Labs are 60-minute sessions for the members to practice the activities in case studies and related role-plays/simulations.

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