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6 months






mini MBA

Learn new leadership and communication skills online,
A bilingual program where you can acquire selected key knowledge and skills which are commonly in an MBA via weekly webinars

*​This is the price if you complete the program in 6 months. Modules can be studied in any order

J-Global's Mini MBA will help you acquire essential skills for both global organizations and the business environments of Japanese companies operating internationally. Our unique programs allow you to acquire this essential knowledge faster and at a much lower cost than a traditional MBA.


​Recommended for these people


​Working adults learning while working

Improve your skills for faster promotion and success in global business and in Japan!


Prepare to expand your career globally.


​Students who want to work globally/in Japan in the future

What can you learn with a mini MBA?

global business skills

Practical skills and mindset:

Gain essential skills for global success.


Jointly developed by experts from Japan's leading universities:

Concisely covers the main topics found in a full-size MBA.

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Intercultural leadership skills

Fully bilingual learning:

We use both English and Japanese materials and discussion so you'll be able to participate smoothly in English only and optionally can improve your Japanese communication skills too.

Practical career hints:

Via cases and practice, you will acquire cross-cultural communication skills so you can collaborate with and influence Japanese colleagues more effectively in each business situation.

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J-Global's unique learning method

​Six learning modules, with two topics each

Global financial management

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Global leadership and communication

  1. Organization and project financial management

  2. ​Investment and corporate performance evaluation

  1. global communication

  2. global leadership

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Globalization and digital transformation

  1. Global transformation (GX)

  2. Digital transformation (DX)

mini MBA

Mission and vision

  1. Developing an attractive personal brand and corporate mission 

  2. Positive vision and sustainability goals for ESG-aware organizations

Diversity & inclusion, teamwork and self-Management

  1. Building DE&I in a global organization

  2. Teamwork and self-management

Global competitiveness

  1. Learn strategic planning best practices

  2. Strategic Management 

Expert instructors will teach you new skills through bilingual interactive lectures, discussions, role plays, and business simulations.

​Program certificate and completion requirements

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Degree of contribution

​Program completion certificate


Attend at least 75% of lecture workshops (at least 9) and at least 50% of practice lab sessions (at least 6. Or other sessions such as business games or mini internship meetings can be taken instead.)


Answer a simple knowledge test on each of the six modules' learning themes.

Degree of contribution:

Instructors and coaches will confirm your active contribution during workshops and lab sessions. (Each participant also receives a performance evaluation with constructive feedback).

Free trial flow


Join Free

​Easy registration with just name and email address


Book a workshop

​Click button to see class schedule


Attend a workshop

​All you have to do is take the course via Zoom!

Lecturer introduction


Dr. Sarah L. Birchley 

Business School Director, Lecturer

With 20 years of business experience in Japan, Sarah is a lifelong professor at Toyo Gakuen University Faculty of Business Administration. She also has experience as a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, The New School (New York), New York University, and Ritsumeikan University. Sarah took sabbaticals from the University of Texas at Austin and Cardiff University (Wales), where she conducted collaborative research on entrepreneurship and diaspora. Having received two Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government, she is currently conducting research on Latin American diaspora entrepreneurs in Japan.

“Innovation requires connections between people, so I enjoy bringing people together from all walks of life to engage, be curious, and generate new knowledge.”

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Jon Lynch

As an experienced global business leader active in Japan, Jon has provided bilingual training and coaching to over 100 Japanese companies for 30 years. He is CEO of J-Global training company, and a lecturer about intercultural business at Hitotsubashi University.  Jon is passionate about promoting intercultural education, with the aim of helping foreigners better understand Japan, and helping Japanese people understand globalization and contribute to the world.

Jon is also in charge of free online counseling!

We will think about your career path together and have a fun conversation while creating a mind map. Either Japanese or English is OK. You will have 20-30 minutes to organize your thoughts, which should be helpful whether or not you decide to join our programs. Please click to book a coaching session.

For those who are interested in the mini MBA,

career consultation for global business, etc...

we will support your concerns!

J-Global's achievements

At J-Global, we have provided training and consulting services for over 100 Japanese companies, including workshops supporting globalization.


Over the years, J-Global has learned about global transformation by companies and individuals. And now we bring that knowledge to you through J-Global Intercultural Business School.

This program uses a webinar and elearning system for the "Mini MBA" and other programs, to provide not only knowledge but also the skills and mindset to survive in global business. Our flat-rate service allows you to enjoy unlimited study to suit your individual needs.

Our mission is to help Japan-based companies reimagine how they do business effectively across cultures. And support non-Japanese to thrive too.

We aim to build a solid foundation for global growth with a highly functional and diverse team by mixing the strengths of Japanese and overseas work styles of organizations and individuals.

Some of the companies that J-Global has provided services to 

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​*In the video, there is an explanation of "5-month program" and "5 modules," but now it became "6-month program" and "6 modules."


1.1 Global Communication 

  • Global organizations

  • Gaps in cross-cultural communication

  • Global communication skills

  • Case studies & challenges

  • The Challenge: A Simple 360° Survey

1.2 Global Leadership 

  • Effective leadership style

  • Key Aspects of Global Leadership

  • Global performance management

  • Guest Lecture/Relevant Cases & Best Practices


2.1 Fostering an attractive personal brand and corporate mission 

  • My personal brand and mission

  • 360° Survey Reviews and Insights

  • Build a growth mindset and strengths

  • Contribution to corporate mission

  • Challenge: 360° Survey

2.2 Positive Vision and Sustainability Goals in an ESG-Conscious Organization

*ESG = Environmental, Social, Governance (4th week)

  • Create a compelling vision

  • ESG Sustainability Goals in Global Business

  • Alignment of ESG sustainability goals among diverse stakeholders

  • Our ESG Sustainability Goals

  • Guest Lecture/Relevant Cases & Best Practices


3.1 Learn Strategic Planning Best Practices 

  • Strategic Planning Method  

  • Strategic competency development

  • Surrounding Environment and Stakeholders

3.2 Strategic Management 

  • Strategy and business development

  • Strategy execution

  • Guest Lecture/Relevant Cases & Best Practices

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4.1. Building DE&I in a global organization 

  • Understanding the power of Diversity and Inclusion

  • Policy and leadership to support diversity in the organization

  • How to increase inclusion in your organization

4.2 Teamwork and Self-Management  

  • Effective global teamwork

  • Utilizing diversity in the team

  • Self leadership self management

  • Establish positive habits that support your identity and goals 

  • Guest Lecture/Relevant Cases & Best Practices


5.1. Global Transformation (GX)

  • Cross-cultural trends in Japanese and global organizations

  • Designing a globally growing Japanese organizational culture

  • GX execution (global transformation)

5.2. Digital transformation (DX) 

  • Organizational Benefits of Digitization 

  • DX methods and leadership

  • Strengthen DX in your department

  • Guest Lecture: Relevant Cases & Best Practices


6.1 Organizational and Project Financial Management 

  • Understanding Financial Statements

  • Budgeting and Cost Control

  • Resource Allocation and Risk Assessment 

6.2 Investment and Company Performance Evaluation

  • Investment Analysis Fundamentals

  • Company Performance Evaluation

  • Practical Analysis and Decision-Making

  • Guest Lecture/Relevant Cases & Best Practices

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Mini MBA Group (cohort) Schedule
Global Mini Internships (option)

Our monthly mini-internships offer business professionals the chance to optionally practice Mini MBA skills such as global communication, teamwork, strategy, and negotiation in real-world business situations. Participants collaborate with a diverse team of 11 nationalities across three continents, contributing to discussions, planning, and project execution. Interns attend virtual meetings, take on tasks with global coworkers, and receive feedback on their performance. This elective program allows participants to enhance their leadership and teamwork skills in a supportive, multicultural environment, contributing points towards Mini MBA certification. It’s an ideal opportunity to apply learning in practical settings while building global business experience.

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  • How do I join the program?
    If you are interested,Online coaching. If you do not need it, please sign up for the free trial or the plan of your choice and reserve the class of your choice.
  • What other programs are there?
    For a list of other programs, please here.
  • My company has told me not to discuss my work outside the company. How can I participate in this program safely?
    We take confidentiality very seriously and ask participants not to discuss confidential company information.
  • How do you support English and Japanese learners?
    The bilingual instructor in charge of this program speaks an appropriate combination of Japanese and English so that everyone can understand. Participants can choose to speak English or Japanese, or both. English is generally used in global work, so it is recommended to participate in English as much as possible.
  • What are the learning components for ILP and how do I access them?
  • How does the ILP program support learners in English and Japanese?


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