Please join us on Aug 13 (Tue) at 8pm for a one-hour best-practice sharing session around interactive facilitation and training skills for online and F2F workshops hosted in Zoom by J-Global Business School. Hoping together we can brainstorm and agree the criteria and basic ideas for a certification program on this theme. We might also create an ebook and elearning together.
We might vote on the order of discussion, and if we don't finish, we might plan a second session...
1. Blended and Online Program design
2. Interactive Facilitation skills
3. Group coaching skills
4. Classroom learning flow
5. Bilingual facilitation
6. Role plays and simulations
7. Gamification of learning
8. Peer learning / learning communities
9. Positive Evaluations and Feedback
We’re inviting freelance instructors, in-house trainers, coaches and training managers. Learning fields may include intercultural, business communication, leadership or other skills.
I and a few colleagues will facilitate it informally. This session will be free, and primarily in English. Prepare a drink, and any useful ideas to share. Do invite any friends that might be interested.
Please join free via this zoom link.
Hope to see you then