Plan strategic innovation for your department or business goals including new ways of sharing resources or differentiating from competitors or internal solutions
Plan innovative products for global markets
Build blue ocean strategy for a Japanese organization
Collaborate with global employees/partners
Webinar 1: Blue Ocean Strategy: plan cost-effective improvements for your solutions or products
Analyze global business cases which differentiated their service from competitors using Blue Ocean strategy (creating unique solutions with newly added, improved, removed or reduced features )
See business and government organizations which reallocated and focused resources to provide better, lower cost solutions
Consider simple applications for a red ocean (competing on price alone) service or product you know
Webinar 2: Purple Ocean Strategy: implement Blue Ocean methods within Red Ocean markets, using the team-based advantages of Japanese organizations
Examine historical examples of Japanese organizations which created world-changing innovative hit products using Blue Ocean Strategy, combined with team-based collaboration (Including Sony Walkman, Toyota Lexus and Pokemon Go)
Team contest: create a new global product or service together using Purple Ocean Strategy (Blue Ocean Innovation + flexible partnerships and collaboration)
Japanese organizations typically use kaizen to innovate from their experience in gemba or fulfilling customers needs, but it can be slow, incremental and not in any particular strategic direction. Models such as Blue Ocean strategy allow a big-picture view and making fast strategic jumps into a market with high profit and no competitors, or provide game-changing solutions for departments within your company. Purple Ocean strategy - developed by J-Global when working with big media and logistics clients, additionally builds on Japanese strengths in collaboration and win-win partnerships.
Understand how classic disruptive products were created
Get fresh ideas for your business, and creative new ways of planning
Enjoy brainstorming and collaboration in teams
Participants' comments:
"I got many fresh ideas for working smarter with our global subsidiaries to do change management and PMI. I thought they were resisting change, but now I think they just didn’t understand what we wanted to achieve together." -Business Development Manager, Machine Parts Manufacture