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Value-Selling Across Cultures (F01)


  • Sell to satisfied customers at a higher price

  • Show and deliver unique value and profit

  • Learn “Hybrid” Selling Style (Best of both cultures):

  • Plan “value selling” tools for local markets


  • Build a better understanding of non-Japanese customers and sales channels so we can support them better and drive faster, higher sales

  • Share ideas to improve our sales skills, processes, and tools for selling across cultures, and for domestic markets too.

  • Improved ideas for marketing and sales management, based on better understanding and supporting our customer’s businesses

Webinar 1: Seven key customer differences between Japan and overseas

  • Understand cultural differences in trust building and sales negotiations. Learn how to adapt your sales style between more relationship oriented or more value-selling oriented, depending on your target market.

  • Fix the problem in your sales process where Japanese sales tend to be based on building trust in long-term relationships but Global customers often just want quick wins showing clear value and aren’t expecting over-spec quality, or ongoing free support after the sale.

  • See business from our customers’ viewpoint and plan how to help them achieve their targets, and improve our communication and processes.

  • Share goals and needs, with an open communication style, and build solutions together

Webinar 2: Hybrid selling - combine Japanese and global strengths to build loyal customers

  • Learn 10 skills and systems used by global salespeople. Discuss how can we apply them 1. globally, 2. in Japan

  • Understand weaknesses and strengths of the Japanese and global sales processes. Learn how to create a "best of both" hybrid sales style which is more attractive than competitors. Change your sales and marketing behaviors to bridge cultural gaps, focusing on understanding customers’ business models and showing the value

Webinar 3: Optimize your value-selling process for win-win intercultural negotiation.

  • Understand global needs and improve our selling skills based on our unique situation

  • Build your Value Selling skills: see how to move up the levels from 1. catalog Selling (offering a range of products) through 2. Solution Selling (offering combinations of products and services, up to 3. Value selling (helping customers profitably achieve their goals)

  • Understand the different order of activities in Japan or overseas clients' sales negotiation processes. Japanese clients often require vendors to build trust and make proposals before revealing detailed needs, in a time-consuming process. Combine win-win Japanese and global negotiation techniques to close the sale.

  • Share ideas to improve our sales skills, processes, and tools for selling across cultures, and for domestic markets too.

Webinar 4: Facilitate your wider sales and support team to delight your customer

  • Understand why many Japanese salespeople and clients prefer a "farming" style of customer relations. Learn how to combine this with global "hunting" and "fishing" sales styles to increase your sales conversion rate.

  • Discuss and agree on ways to achieve sales and sales management goals, based on cases and our own ideas

  • Learn 7 intercultural sales Management Techniques to increase profitable revenue.

Learning goals:

  • Create new sales methods to show the unique value of a high quality Japanese supplier to global clients.

  • Understand “Our Mixed Business Culture”: why Japanese customers and global customers want different things, and expect different communication styles.

  • Increase global revenue by building value selling skills and systems so you can sell more products, at a higher price, to happier customers.

  • Build a better understanding of Japanese and non-Japanese customers and sales channels so we can support them better and drive faster, higher sales

  • Improve ideas for marketing and sales management, based on better understanding and supporting our customer’s businesses.

Participants' comments:

  • "You helped us get ideas for generating new business while identifying problem areas in our sales process. We were very happy with the output from the engagement and continue to use the concepts you shared with us."-Principal, Data Storage Company

  • "The trainer was wonderful. With simple explanations, we did a great variety of activities that were practical and useful for us." -Medical Representative, Pharmaceutical Company

  • "Thank you for covering a great topic I am pretty sure many companies today are facing a similar environment. Our biggest challenge is that our global sales team works on a Western/global mindset and framework, but our Japan office is the opposite. Also, the people in the Japan office don’t yet have a sales-like mentality." -Business Development Manager US Logistics Company



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