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How to be successful in a Japanese company (International Leaders Program for non-Japanese)(D20)


  • Develop effective communication and planning skills for team-based working

  • Fulfill Japanese managers’ expectations so you can have rapid career growth

  • Coordinate projects with Japanese members

  • Do team-based confirming and reporting

  • Grow your influence so management will approve your ideas and improvement suggestions

Webinar 1: Understand and bridge cultural gaps between Japanese and global management and working styles

  • Understand typical differences in communication style, formality, meeting style, job responsibilities, decision making and trust, and learn ways to bridge gaps or overcome issues

  • Develop effective communication and planning skills for team-based working

  • Fulfill Japanese managers’ expectations about commitments, responsibility and reporting (ho-ren-so) so you can have rapid career growth

  • Understand Japanese managers' "unwritten rules" and do team-based confirming and reporting

Webinar 2: Achieve more influence and faster promotion in a Japanese organization

  • Understand your company's and managers strategies and how your strengths and interests for future career steps could support them.

  • Find and develop mentors and sponsors, including offering flexible support outside your regular job responsibilities to build trust and mutual appreciation

  • Plan your own job description, next career steps and skills needed, and confirm these with colleagues

Webinar 3: Build communication and leadership skills to change your Japanese organization so it is more successful in diverse, global markets and in DX

  • Understand your company's executives' mission, values and intentions for globalizing, and digitalizing, and the gaps with current reality.

  • Plan how you could contribute to developing global diverse management and working styles or to better support global stakeholders and markets, based on your skills and interests.

  • Create change proposals in ways which can be more easily approved, including showing clear reasons and benefits, risk management, small-scale beginnings and offering to take responsibility.

  • Coordinate your improvement or new project ideas with Japanese members via nemawashi (alignment discussions) so you can position attractive proposals with their support


Non-Japanese may not have experience with a flexible team-based working style, and find instructions missing or too high context (vague) – causing poor results and low motivation.

Clearly teach non-Japanese how to follow a team leader and support members flexibly with suitable ongoing communication – and performance and staff retention will improve.


  • Increase motivation, retention, and promotion of non-Japanese employees in Japanese organizations.

  • Correctly understand your own managers’ expectations, as a valued follower, on your first steps towards leadership

  • Learn how to coordinate your own projects effectively with Japanese colleagues.

  • Use coaching, confirming, and reporting in a culturally effective way to succeed in Japan’s team-based work style.

Program highlights:

  • Recently hired global employees will keep high motivation and stay employed with us (high retention)

  • By learning “followership” style teamwork skills for the workplace they can find their role clearly, and keep their Japanese manager and team-mates happy.

  • By sharing goals and strategies for recent problems and ideas for upcoming challenges, the participants become less isolated and feel part of an ongoing “dokyusei” (fellow learners) mutual support community

Workshop Methodology:

  • Introduction includes a survey and discussion about previously learned content: 1. Peer-to-peer sharing of current work situation and needs. 2. Intercultural frameworks for understanding Japan's retail working style: high context, Confucian, ameba.

  • Learn “followership” style teamwork skills to support each other in dealing with challenges and finding insights.

  • Review working experiences, Confirm the usefulness of intercultural cases, and share success strategies. Coach each other to solve issues

  • Identify upcoming challenges and set new personal goals

  • Comprehensive eLearning is also available

Participants' comments:

  • "It was really interesting to learn the differences between the American / Chinese business model and the Japanese model. I am going to work hard with the concept of a global mindset and the learning from the Japanese way of working." -Global Operations Staff, Marketing Company

  • "In this seminar, I learned to accept diversity and see things from different culture counterpart’s point of view, so I realized why Japanese coworkers get frustrated when I can’t understand their meaning quickly. Now I will always check and summarize Japanese people’s high-context explanations if unclear, and I will do it in a polite, grateful and friendly way. " -Trainee coordinator, Retail Company

  • "Clear case studies helped me to figure out how I should communicate with customers and co-workers." -Shop staff, Household Goods Store


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