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Managing Non-Japanese Employees in Japan (D01)


Effectively hire, train, manage, develop and retain non-Japanese staff in Japan as high-performing, long-term, motivated leaders – either to stay in Japan, or to manage operations overseas.

  • Increase foreign staff motivation & loyalty

  • Hire, manage, train and retain effectively

  • Develop trusted, skilled, motivated leaders

Recommended Participants:

Japanese leaders who are managing foreign employees in Japan, and Japanese employees who are responsible for supporting and developing foreign colleagues. (Industries may include IT engineering, hotels and restaurants, retail, healthcare, import/export, construction, factory production and others.)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Effective Cross-Cultural Communication: Learn to communicate more effectively with non-Japanese employees who are job-hoppers, un-motivated or under-performing, by bridging cultural differences and fostering a collaborative work environment.

  2. Multicultural Team Integration: Learn strategies for integrating non-Japanese employees into multicultural teams, enhancing teamwork and productivity.

  3. Conflict Resolution and Employee Retention: Acquire skills in conflict resolution and employee retention, reducing turnover rates and fostering a motivated workforce. learn coaching management and clear communication skills to bridge them, including dealing with

  4. Cultural Sensitivity and Leadership: Develop cultural sensitivity and leadership skills to effectively lead diverse teams, promoting inclusivity and respect.

  5. Performance Management and Career Development: Learn performance management techniques and career development strategies for non-Japanese employees, ensuring their growth within the organization.

Language Requirements:

The program is fully bilingual in Japanese and English.

How to join:

You can join this and over 30 other bilingual intercultural programs to develop your global leadership skills for just 5000 yen per month. Click the buttons below to start with a free coaching session and one month free trial.


Program Details and Webinar Schedule

Webinar 1: "Unlocking Success: Your Guide to Retaining Global Talent"

Uncover the keys to retaining global talent and reducing early resignations in Japanese organizations.

Issues: Foreign employees in Japanese organizations often experience stress and early resignations.

Impact: Early resignations lead to increased costs, added workload for Japanese colleagues, and reduced team productivity.

Causes: Cultural differences and language barriers within Japanese work environments contribute to foreign employees' stress, as clear information sharing and growth mindset approach is often lacking.

Solution: Join this webinar to design motivating onboarding experiences that offer clear information and guidance about corporate values, working styles, and task methods. Experience positive and interactive coaching-style interactions and align personal career goals with future opportunities within the organization.

Webinar 2: "Navigating Cross-Cultural Teamwork for Peak Performance"

Maximize team performance by effectively integrating foreign employees into Japanese teams.

Issues: Managing and integrating foreign employees into Japanese teams can be challenging, negatively impacting team performance.

Impact: Frustration and interpersonal conflicts can hinder productivity and engagement among foreign employees, managers, and coworkers.

Causes: Foreigners may lack understanding of flexible, mutually supportive teamwork, and working styles may differ from what Japanese learn from a young age. Vague instructions, varying expectations, and communication gaps also contribute to the issue.

Solution: In this webinar, learn to explain team-based working methods such as ho-ren-so for tasks and nemawashi before meetings. Set clear goals and expectations for global staff, fostering a culture of working and information-sharing. Support and coach them through regular interactive 1-1 discussions.

Webinar 3: "Empowering Global Leaders for High-Performance Excellence"

Empower foreign employees to become high-performing leaders in Japanese organizations.

Issues: Some foreign employees struggle to develop skills and make valuable contributions in Japanese organizations, posing challenges for Japanese managers.

Impact: Stress and conflicts may arise between Japanese managers and foreign staff, resulting in underperformance and potential resignations.

Causes: Traditional Japanese on-the-job training and feedback methods may feel negative and lack clarity, making it challenging for foreign employees to thrive.

Solution: Join this webinar to learn how to build psychological safety, employ coaching-style communication, clarify career goals, and co-develop individual goals for business and personal growth. Discover effective ways to provide clear and positive feedback, empowering foreign employees for leadership excellence.

Dates (Zoom, all times JST):

Participants' comments:

  • "It was well analyzed and compared the way of thinking in Japanese company and overseas. That motivated me to challenge in future globalization. It was beneficial to learn the real cases that foreign workers faced and these solutions." -Product Designer IT Storage Solutions Company

  • "Through many activities, I could understand the point that foreign workers got confused and conflict with others. That would be helpful from now on."-Retail Manager Homeware Store Chain

  • "It was very interesting, brought me great confidence. I was so happy to hear that you said Japanese business style still had advantage even in this globalization." - Finance Coordinator, Logistics Company



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