Program Purpose
Unlock the art of global negotiation with this program, where you'll master clear, friendly, and persuasive techniques to swiftly reach win-win solutions. Build trust, share goals, and overcome cultural negotiation gaps for unparalleled success.
Recommended Participants:
Tailored for professionals eager to enhance their negotiation finesse on the global stage. Executives, sales professionals, and strategic thinkers looking to improve negotiation performance in Japan and beyond will find immense value in this program.
Learning Objectives:
Understanding Intercultural Differences in Negotiation
Developing a Win-win Mindset
Persuasive, Logical Flow for Solving Intercultural Conflicts
Negotiating in Teams for Win-win Solutions
Language Requirements:
This program is delivered bilingually in both Japanese and English to accommodate a diverse range of participants.
How to join:
You can join this and over 30 other bilingual intercultural programs to develop your global leadership skills for just 5000 yen per month. Click the buttons below to start with a free coaching session and one month free trial.
Program Details and Webinar Schedule
Improve your negotiation performance in Japan and globally, in selling situations or in conflict resolution by following proven processes, and adjusting them for the culture of your stakeholders.
Webinar 1: Understand and bridge intercultural differences in negotiation
Compare different priorities, communication styles and ways of building trust between Japan and global counterparts in negotiation.
Learn useful flow, strategy and facilitation skills for negotiating across cultures, mixing best of both styles.
Clarify global counterparts’ needs and brainstorm to find best win-win solutions.
Build trust fast by sensitively sharing and hearing needs in early stages, and creatively find synergistic ways to achieve shared goals. Succeed in Japan via: innovative use of traditional systems such as estimates, nemawashi and ringi (alignment discussions and group seal approvals) to delegate decision making power to the negotiator.
Webinar 2: Develop a win-win mindset for negotiating
Develop long-term win-win mutually supportive global business relationships
Create a better intercultural negotiation mindset, skills and process to improve our global business results.
Use win-win frameworks and build rapport. For exampe: 1. Understand and share needs proactively, 2. Brainstorm solution ideas, 3. Develop benefit-oriented persuasive stories, 4. Ask closing questions to hear stakeholders interests and concerns and then overcome their objections to reach agreement.
Webinar 3: Follow a persuasive, logical flow for solving intercultural conflicts
Learn logical problem solving techniques and discussion tools
Create hybrid solutions for Global vs Japan’s Team-based decision-making (1, Clarify strategy and internal preapproval for ranges of solutions, 2. Reach agreement quickly. 3. "Speed Nemawashi" stakeholder alignment)
Build better business outcomes due to a more persuasive, strategic negotiation flow
Overcome issues such as Japanese tendencies to be slow to reach consensus. For example: set up negotiating goals and parameters in advance (or for common situations) to avoid the damaging bottleneck of ‘negotiating by committee’.
Webinar 4: Negotiate in teams to create win-win solutions with global counterparts
Use all the negotiating skills by role-playing in teams in a global business simulation.
Practice consultative selling and proposing. For example: 1. Pre-research and trust-building needs questions, 2. Use examples, frameworks & processes to analyze client options, 3. Understand and support the buyers approval process, 4. Support internal execution
Participants' comments:
"It was an eye-opener to me how we have to ask “why” and other questions many times, because we cannot guess the other culture people’s thinking. Also setting clear strategy, possible range of agreement before helped us get better results. We should always do that planning and checking." - Section Manager, Trading Company
"Today I could understand US or Europe style, Asian style and Japanese negotiation styles all have good points, and we can switch style depending on purpose and members. Such as, brainstorm to get many good options: high context flexible style for win-win relationships, logical discussion to find one best answer." - Sales Representative, Factory Automation Company
"It was the greatest seminar I've had before. so many contents in the short time, many powerful stories... We really enjoyed role-playing in the negotiation simulations." - Engineer, Aerospace Company