J-Global Intercultural Business School
An introduction to intercultural business communication
How can I better understand and influence my Japanese boss and team members?
I want to know why work is done differently in Japan compared to overseas.
I want to bridge unseen gaps in values, leadership and communication styles in Japan
I would like to work for a Japanese company in the future. How will it be different?
Target audience
This webinar is aimed at Japanese business people who:
Those who find it difficult to understand the behavior of foreign staff and clients in global business, and to exert influence over them.
Those who have the possibility of developing global business in the future and are worried about how to communicate with overseas
Those who lead teams and projects involving foreign staff, or plan global business strategies, sales and marketing
In this webinar, participants will learn about examples of cross-cultural misunderstandings, and learn 10 cross-cultural frameworks for identifying and bridging gaps through small group discussions.
You will gain a better understanding of cross-cultural gaps while creating a foundation for smoother online meetings, negotiations, projects and information sharing with counterparts from different cultures.
Achievements of J-Global
J-Global has earned a reputation for providing solutions to global Japanese companies through consulting and workshops.
Over the years, J-Global has learned how companies and people can achieve global transformation. And now we are sharing that knowledge with you through this webinar.
Our mission is to help Japan-based companies go global by transforming cross-cultural business practices.
We help them to integrate the strengths of Japanese and international work styles, build high-functioning and diverse teams, and create a solid foundation for global growth.
Some of the companies J-Global provided services to (in no particular order)
John Lynch
Originally from the UK, for over 30 years Jon has provided bilingual training and coaching to more than 100 Japanese companies, and founded J-Global ten years ago. Our goal is to help overseas and Japanese business people understand each other better, to support smoother globalization, and contribute to the world. I enjoy working in diverse environments and can help you maximize your strengths and succeed.
We also offer free online counseling!
We will think about your career path together and have a fun conversation while creating a mind map. Either Japanese or English is OK. You will have 20-30 minutes to organize your thoughts whether or not you participate in the program. Please feel free to submit a new application.