困難な時代を生き抜くための日本のプロジェクトマネジメント・スタイル-Rajeev Sharma氏
This is a short article that highlights three important principles of Japanese management and how they can help mitigate risks and overcome challenges. These principles are, nemawashi (Consent of all), kaizen (continuous improvement) and shushin Koyo (lifetime employment). Nemawashi is a type of bottom-up management approach that takes consent from all members. This article beautifully explains the concept of nemawashi. It is not about forcing members to make quick decisions but rather, understanding what the final decision is about and all its implications. Kaizen is the second principle and the idea behind this is understanding the problem (Root-cause analysis). This approach is about continuous improvement, and this can be applied to cost efficiency or resource management. The third and final principle is Shushi koyo. This is centred on the Japanese belief in providing stability for its members and the organisation. Meaningful benefits and on-the-job training (OJT) are key components of this principle. They enhance motivation and produce extreme specialization.