10 Cultural Contrasts between US & Japanese Companies freshtrax - btrax blog
This article was written based on the experiences and perceptions of a Japanese person who has experience working both in the United States and Japan. The article analyzes differences between defining characteristics of Japanese and Western work styles, comparing things like speed vs. consistency in the decision-making process or how individuals and groups perceive their roles and responsibilities. The comparisons are listed in a table format, making them easy to understand and evaluate.
日本の顧客や同僚と信頼関係を築く:日本のビジネスマナー This article provides insights on the pillars of Japanese business etiquette from the perspective of an American employee who has worked with Japanese business partners and colleagues. The author highlights maintaining harmony and showing respect to guests and superiors as the two major pillars of business etiquette, bringing up examples where these components come into play such as body language, drinking events, and seating etiquette in business environments.
Although this paper focuses mostly on Japanese project management in the context of construction, manufacturing, and IT industries, it introduces major facets of Japanese project management such as the 3Ks. These stand for kakushin (innovation), kaihatsu (development), and kaizen (reform). The article then delves into how these three components manifest in lifecycle management, work environment, value creation, and technology fusion.