Supporting the globalization of Japanese companies
Interested in becoming a partner?
We would appreciate it if we could help you or your customers to develop global human resources.
We are also looking for companies that can help us promote the program as our agents.
Now you can join J-Global Business School for free!
Dear J-Global Partners,
J-Global Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Jonathan Lynch), which provides global training for companies, will launch “J-Global We will open an intercultural business school.
Cross-cultural business school offers online lectures and class contents such as communication skills for business people with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds to smoothly promote business, project management and human resource management in multinational teams, sales techniques, etc. The purpose is to learn practically through discussions and role-plays.
To commemorate the opening of the school, we are distributing coupons that allow you to experience the contents of the J-Global Intercultural Business School program for free. Why not take this opportunity to offer free cross-cultural training to your clients?
* Coupons are for 16 people per company. Must be applied by February 2023.
You can also become a reseller of our programs in the future. J-Global and your company will jointly create promotional online events.
If you are interested in collaborating, please email us so we can discuss it in an online discussion or send you a coupon that you can give to your client.
Contact information
For your reference, we have posted an explanation page for HR personnel, so please use it as an explanation for clients.
Well then, thank you for your consideration.
John and the J-Global team
How to take a program for free
①Select the program of your choice and click the "Apply Now" button.
1. Introduction to cross-cultural communication in business
2. Communication techniques for working in a global company
3. International Affairs / Business Techniques for Successful Overseas Assignments
4. For foreigners: how to work in a Japanese company
5. Cross-cultural project management skills
6. For overseas sales: How to sell the value of things and play an active role
7. Global teamwork skills and management
Use your coupon code XXX (replace with your actual code) to get 100% off discount and join for free.
Dear J-Global Partners,
J-Global Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Jonathan Lynch), which provides global training for companies, will launch “J-Global We will open an intercultural business school.
Cross-cultural business school offers online lectures and class contents such as communication skills for business people with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds to smoothly promote business, project management and human resource management in multinational teams, sales techniques, etc. The purpose is to learn practically through discussions and role-plays.
To commemorate the opening of the school, we are distributing coupons that allow you to experience the contents of the J-Global Intercultural Business School program for free. Why not take this opportunity to offer free cross-cultural training to your clients?
* Coupons are for 16 people per company. Must be applied by February 2023.
You can also become a reseller of our programs in the future. J-Global and your company will jointly create promotional online events.
If you are interested in collaborating, please email us so we can discuss it in an online discussion or send you a coupon that you can give to your client.
Contact information
For your reference, we have posted an explanation page for HR personnel, so please use it as an explanation for clients.
Well then, thank you for your consideration.
John and the J-Global team
How to take a program for free
①Select the program of your choice and click the "Apply Now" button.
1. Introduction to cross-cultural communication in business
2. Communication techniques for working in a global company
3. International Affairs / Business Techniques for Successful Overseas Assignments
4. For foreigners: how to work in a Japanese company
5. Cross-cultural project management skills
6. For overseas sales: How to sell the value of things and play an active role
7. Global teamwork skills and management
Use your coupon code XXX (replace with your actual code) to get 100% off discount and join for free.
Program list
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 16 | Tues | 14:30 | Introduction to intercultural communication frameworks | ビジネスにおける異文化コミュニケーション入門 | 90 |
May | 18 | Thu | 20:00 | Introduction to intercultural communication frameworks | ビジネスにおける異文化コミュニケーション入門 | 90 |
May | 25 | Thu | 20:00 | Introduction to intercultural communication frameworks | ビジネスにおける異文化コミュニケーション入門 | 90 |
May | 9 | Tues | 14:30 | Introduction to intercultural communication frameworks | ビジネスにおける異文化コミュニケーション入門 | 90 |
2. Communiqué for becoming excellent global human resources
Learning Level: Beginner/Intermediate English Level
Target: Employees who need to communicate in English, managers
Contents: Learn how to speak in English without fear of failure, how to actively ask questions, and basic skills for meetings and presentations.
session schedule
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
Jun | 20 | Tues | 14:30 | Global Communication Mindset - Intercultural Skills | グローバル企業で働くためのコミュニケーション術 | 90 |
Jun | 26 | Mon | 20:00 | Global Communication Mindset - Intercultural Skills | グローバル企業で働くためのコミュニケーション術 | 90 |
Jul | 10 | Mon | 20:00 | Global Communication Mindset - Intercultural Skills | グローバル企業で働くためのコミュニケーション術 | 90 |
Jul | 6 | Thu | 14:30 | Global Communication Mindset - Intercultural Skills | グローバル企業で働くためのコミュニケーション術 | 90 |
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
Jun | 5 | Mon | 20:00 | Expat and Global Coordinator Success | 海外担当/駐在員向け:成功するビジネス術 | 90 |
Jun | 22 | Thu | 14:30 | Expat and Global Coordinator Success | 海外担当/駐在員向け:成功するビジネス術 | 90 |
Jul | 4 | Tues | 14:30 | Expat and Global Coordinator Success | 海外担当/駐在員向け:成功するビジネス術 | 90 |
May | 24 | Wed | 20:00 | Expat and Global Coordinator Success | 海外担当/駐在員向け:成功するビジネス術 | 90 |
4. For foreigners: how to be successful in a Japanese company
Learning Level: Basic
Target: Foreign employees, managers
Contents: Understand the organizational strength (teamwork) and business culture of Japanese companies, and acquire the skills to collaborate within the organization
session schedule
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 15 | Mon | 20:00 | International Leaders Program (for Non-Japanese) | 外国出身者向け:日本企業で活躍する方法 | 90 |
May | 26 | Fri | 14:30 | International Leaders Program (for Non-Japanese) | 外国出身者向け:日本企業で活躍する方法 | 90 |
Jun | 9 | Fri | 14:30 | International Leaders Program (for Non-Japanese) | 外国出身者向け:日本企業で活躍する方法 | 90 |
May | 1 | Mon | 20:00 | International Leaders Program (for Non-Japanese) | 外国出身者向け:日本企業で活躍する方法 | 90 |
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 22 | Mon | 20:00 | Intercultural Project Management Skills | 異文化間プロジェクトマネジメントスキル | 90 |
May | 25 | Thu | 14:30 | Intercultural Project Management Skills | 異文化間プロジェクトマネジメントスキル | 90 |
Jun | 6 | Tues | 14:30 | Intercultural Project Management Skills | 異文化間プロジェクトマネジメントスキル | 90 |
May | 9 | Tues | 20:00 | Intercultural Project Management Skills | 異文化間プロジェクトマネジメントスキル | 90 |
6. For overseas sales: How to sell the value of things and play an active role
Learning Level: Intermediate
Target: Japanese global sales representatives, sales engineers, employees, managers
Contents: Acquire skills to overcome competitors by fusing Japanese customer service skills with global consulting techniques
session schedule
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 17 | Wed | 14:30 | Global Value selling in Japan | 海外営業向け:モノの価値を売って活躍する方法 | 90 |
May | 30 | Tues | 14:30 | Global Value selling in Japan | 海外営業向け:モノの価値を売って活躍する方法 | 90 |
Jun | 7 | Wed | 20:00 | Global Value selling in Japan | 海外営業向け:モノの価値を売って活躍する方法 | 90 |
May | 2 | Tues | 20:00 | Global Value selling in Japan | 海外営業向け:モノの価値を売って活躍する方法 | 90 |
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 8 | Mon | 20:00 | Global Teamwork Skills in Japan | グローバルチームワークスキルと管理法 | 90 |
May | 11 | Thu | 14:30 | Global Teamwork Skills in Japan | グローバルチームワークスキルと管理法 | 90 |
Jun | 1 | Thu | 14:30 | Global Teamwork Skills in Japan | グローバルチームワークスキルと管理法 | 90 |
Apr | 17 | Mon | 20:00 | Global Teamwork Skills in Japan | グローバルチームワークスキルと管理法 | 90 |
8. Pre-MBA Global Classroom Skills
Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced
Target: Japanese employees and managers who have the potential to study abroad, especially MBA
Contents: Critical thinking and discussion to acquire knowledge such as global academic and professional success stories
session schedule
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
May | 24 | Wed | 14:30 | Pre-MBA Global Classroom Skills | プレMBA グローバル教室スキル | 90 |
May | 29 | Mon | 14:30 | Pre-MBA Global Classroom Skills | プレMBA グローバル教室スキル | 90 |
May | 31 | Wed | 14:30 | Pre-MBA Global Classroom Skills | プレMBA グローバル教室スキル | 90 |
Jun | 6 | Tues | 20:00 | Pre-MBA Global Classroom Skills | プレMBA グローバル教室スキル | 90 |
9. Intercultural Mini-MBA - Part 1 (Japanese version)
Learning Level Advanced
Target audience Foreign and Japanese managers and future leaders planning global business strategies and activities for Japanese companies.
Purpose: Learn about global strategic business leadership and management. Learn about the cultural gap between team-oriented Japanese companies and individual-oriented global companies, and learn how to combine the strengths of both through Harvard case studies, discussions, and project-based learning.
session schedule
月 | 日付 | 日 | 時間 | タイトルEN | タイトルJP | 議事録 |
Apr | 6 | Thu | 20:00 | Intercultural mini MBA/Mission and Vision | 異文化間ミニMBA - パート1 | 60 |
Apr | 11 | Tues | 20:00 | Intercultural mini MBA/Mission and Vision | 異文化間ミニMBA - パート1 | 90 |
Apr | 13 | Thu | 20:00 | Intercultural mini MBA/Mission and Vision | 異文化間ミニMBA - パート1 | 60 |
Apr | 18 | Tues | 20:00 | Intercultural mini MBA/Competitive Strategy | 異文化間ミニMBA - パート1 | 90 |